Monday, December 29, 2008

Week 32

The appointment on Friday morning went well, she sounds healthy and strong which is great! My blood pressure is good and I have no swelling (knock on wood). She is head down with her back on my left side.


Emotional, cranky, and irritable. I thought I was going to be able to get through this pregnancy and be pleasant the whole time, but I feel hormones creeping up on me and I just can't control them, gosh darn it. It seemed like I cried a lot last week which I don't like to do. But Brian had to work up north (2 hours away) all week so I didn't get to see him until Christmas Eve at like 9 pm. So I was very emotional about that and I think it led to my cranky and irritableness (is that a word?). I was just kind of in a funk all week. We were able to have a good Christmas nonetheless.

Tired. I am definitely feeling lazy as I don't ever want to do anything that requires physical exertion, but I'm forcing myself to go for walks-even in this rainy weather. I just can't stand being on the couch any longer!

Braxton hicks, I think. On Monday I had what I think was a braxton hicks, but I'm not really sure. I had 3 more throughout the week and my rookie guess is that they are braxton hicks, but who knows.

Nausea. Still feel nauseous on and off throughout the day and I'm not sure what causes it, I take a Tums and drink water which sometimes helps a little. It's not horrible, 1st trimester, nausea, just more of an inconvenience.

So excited. As my due date gets closer I become even more anxious to meet Bria, I've started having dreams where I'm in labor. I just can't wait to see what she looks like and bring her home, it's so close! 8 more weeks until my due date, which means 7 more weeks of work, wahoo!


By now, your baby weighs 3.75 pounds (pick up a large jicama) and is about 16.7 inches long, taking up a lot of space in your uterus. You're gaining about a pound a week and roughly half of that goes right to your baby. In fact, she'll gain a third to half of her birth weight during the next 7 weeks as she fattens up for survival outside the womb. She now has toenails, fingernails, and real hair (or at least respectable peach fuzz). Her skin is becoming soft and smooth as she plumps up in preparation for birth.

So I don't have a belly picture yet (I will take one this week), but here is a review over the last couple months:
6 weeks

9 weeks

14 weeks

17 weeks
20 weeks (I totally thought I had a belly-little did I know...)

23 weeks

26 weeks

29 weeks (now that's a belly!)

Whew, that belly sure is growing!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Week 31


The week started out pretty good, but half way through I started feeling nauseous and uncomfortably full. I also experience shortness of breath often-It feels kind of like asthma, my chest gets really tight and I start taking more frequent breaths. It happens when I'm just sitting down relaxing which is kind of weird, I just attribute it to the fact that she is getting bigger and longer so she's stretching upward, and sitting down probably scrunches her.

Bria has been getting the hiccups more often which is pretty funny, sometimes they last quite awhile. I can feel when she stretches out because both sides of my stomach will be pushed out and it feels like she's going to come through the side! It's usually just a quick stretch but it definitely catches me off guard.

At night if I stretch too much or move too fast I get this stabbing pain on the right side of my stomach, it made me gasp out in pain the other night and I had to breath through it. Maybe they are the round ligament pains I've heard about?

The other night we were in bed ready to fall asleep and Brian rested his hand on my belly, he couldn't believe how much she was moving. He was like, "How do you sleep with her moving around so much?" I just laughed and said the hiccups interrupt my sleep more than her moving, the moving actually kind of comforts me. I liked that he got to feel how much she moves at night.

Nesting. I was putting away the laundry and decided that I just had to organize Brian's sock drawer, I just had too. Well, let me tell you, it's a good thing I did because...wait, no, there is no reason that someone HAS to organize a sock drawer. It's definitely the nesting :-) I also re-organized some kitchen cupboards and moved the baby cupboard to a different one-didn't I say I was going to do that? ;) We'll see how long it last where it currently is, as of right now I'm really happy with it-I think.

Big. I'm feeling bigger that's for sure. Fortunately I'm not sleeping too bad these days even with my 2 potty breaks and big belly. I'm not complaining about 2 potty breaks either because I know other women have a lot more trips to the bathroom in the middle of the night. However, during the day I go about every hour. Sometimes I'll go to the bathroom and no joke, 15 minutes later I have to go again.

This week, your baby measures over 16 inches long. She weighs about 3.3 pounds (try carrying four navel oranges) and is heading into a growth spurt. She can turn her head from side to side, and her arms, legs, and body are beginning to plump out as needed fat accumulates underneath her skin. She's probably moving a lot, too, so you may have trouble sleeping because your baby's kicks and somersaults keep you up. Take comfort: All this moving is a sign that your baby is active and healthy.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Week 30

I had my 30 week appointment yesterday and it went well, the doctor said she's measuring right on schedule and her heartbeat sounds great. She said the blood work from my glucose test looks fantastic, she was in shock about how good my iron level is. It was something like 38 and she said that is almost unheard of in a pregnant woman. These prenatals (Target brand) must be magic pills because I was anemic all through college, plus I'm not really eating meat right now so it definitely has to be the prenatals. Or maybe the cereal I'm eating has iron in it ;) I think I'll keep taking them after Bria is here since obviously they are doing a good job. My appointments are every 2 weeks now, I love that I get to hear Bria's heartbeat every 2 weeks, it's a beautiful sound.


Holy cow, I'm 30 weeks! That is huge, I've entered the 30's which has been a huge milestone in my head and I'm actually here, it's very surreal. I guess it doesn't feel that different than yesterday when I was 29w 6d, but I still need to let it sink in.

Sleeping is getting tougher and I blame my occasional grumpiness on that. When I get up to go to the bathroom I have a hard time going back to sleep and Brian's snoring doesn't help. If I can get him to turn over he usually stops, but he's a bear when he's sleeping so disturbing him just a tiny bit is scary. He says not to wake him even if he's snoring, he likes to say, "Well at least one of us should get good sleep so don't wake me." Sweet, thanks babe.

Nothing really new this week, just the same old stuff. Even though I just complained about sleep, I really do feel good still. I have a pretty good amount of energy (thank you prenatals) and am able to still get stuff done when I get home from work. I organized our junk drawer and sorted through one of our kitchen cupboards to make room for baby stuff. I'm still deciding what cupboard I want for baby stuff so I may change my mind - in fact, I'm sure I'll change my mind a few times - and that's my prerogative.

My maternity pants are fitting better which means I don't spend 3/4 of my day pulling them up, just 1/2 now. It also means I'm getting bigger, and not just in my belly.

We bought diapers. We thought it would be smart to buy a Costco size box like once a month to help spread the cost out, plus there was a coupon for it. So I got a box of 216 diapers, size 1-2 (up to like 15 pounds). Then next month we'll get size 3, we like being prepared.

The next milestone I'm looking forward to (besides my due date) is 35 weeks, I'm not sure why but I think that'll be another "whoa" moment. Only 10 weeks until my due date-can you believe that?


Your baby's about 15.7 inches long now, and she weighs almost 3 pounds (like a head of cabbage). A pint and a half of amniotic fluid surrounds her, but that volume will decrease as she gets bigger and takes up more room in your uterus. Her eyesight continues to develop, though it's not very keen; even after she's born, she'll keep her eyes closed for a good part of the day. When she does open them, she'll respond to changes in light but will have 20/400 vision — which means she can only make out objects a few inches from her face. (Normal adult vision is 20/20.)

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

29w 4d

Baby Shower!
Oh my goodness Saturday was so much fun. I cannot thank my wonderful hosts enough, Sara and Tiff threw me a wonderful baby shower and I just appreciate them so much. I had an absolute blast with all my girlfriends, the food was delicious, the games were so much fun, and Bria got spoiled. It was just such a fun time, I am now even more excited for Bria's arrival which I did not think was possible.

Here are my gracious hosts and myself:
Tiff had lots of fun games planned, one being the belly size game. Everyone cut a piece of yarn of the length they thought my belly was, then I went around and they put the yarn around me to see how close they were. Rachel was the big winner! Sara #3 (there were 4 Sara's there!) and Shauna were a close second.
Here is Mindi measuring me

And my neighbor Adi:

From left: Sarah Clark, Shauna & Baby Aria, Jess (who is 21 weeks pg with a little girl!), Kristie, Sara, and myself

From left: Brittany, Sarah Rodgers, Kristen, Roxie, and Adi

From left: Cheryl, Sara, Rachel, Mindi, and Allyonna (Jess' daughter)
It was fun having it at our house because I was able to show everyone the nursery and give them a tour if they hadn't seen the house yet. Plus, after it was all said and done I didn't have to load up the presents and unload them at the house, they were already in my living room.

Her first OSU Cheer outfit! This is from Kristen (neighbor) and I can't wait for Bria to wear it, how adorable is it?!

I look evil, but I was showing little Aria the Lily Leapfrog and she had the most adorable smile on her face:

We got so much fun stuff and I had a blast showing it all to Brian when he came home. As you can see from the picture below, I had quite the laundry to do. I washed 2 loads on Sunday and still have more to do. That includes the clothes I already had in the closet that Shauna gave me, which by the way, she brought over 2 more boxes to add to the 3 sacks she already gave me. She rocks!
I had the best time at my shower and am so grateful to all my incredibly generous and supportive friends, I have no idea what I would do without them.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Week 29

I had my first belly rub from a stranger! It was from a 7-11 cashier and she had a mustache, she leaned over the counter, rubbed my belly, and said, "Hi little baby." I smiled and kind of laughed, but then she took it too far- she told Bria to be a Duck fan-gasp! I was in my OSU jersey since we were heading to tailgate and apparently this woman was a Duck fan. Of all the nerve. It was funny though because the second she touched my belly I thought, "Oh, my first stranger belly rub, I have to put that in my belly book and blog about it!"

We also got our first Beaver gear for Bria! My mother-in-law got an adorable Beaver blanket for Bria and we are so excited. I can't wait to wrap her in it :)


Feeling blah. I started to feel kind of blah around week 28, just not as happy as I have been this whole pregnancy. Not that there is anything wrong, but I think maybe my hormones are going through a shift or something. I've started to feel more normal the last few days, I think decorating the house for Christmas has really helped, and my upcoming baby shower on Saturday! Can't wait for the shower by the way, so excited.

Still chin acne. I want to scream, I always have at least 2 huge zits on my chin and it's driving me crazy. I have been so good about washing my face morning and night, step by step according to Acnefree, but those monsters still get through. They are getting bigger too, even Brian looked at me the other day and said, "Wow, that is quite the pimple you're growing." Hey, at least he was honest, and I couldn't blame him because it was large and in charge.

Lots of movement, every week I feel Bria more often and I cannot tell you how much I am loving it. She is most active in the mid-morning, mid-afternoon, and then in the evening. It is just the coolest thing ever and I know this will be one of the things I'll miss when I'm not pregnant. I can feel her roll around in there which usually makes me laugh because it feels so weird, even Brian got to feel her rolling over and couldn't believe how crazy it felt. Her little hiccups are funny too, it takes me a few minutes to realize that she is hiccuping because they are still muffled. I just love feeling her move.

The belly is feeling heavier that is for sure. I can see how the pregnant waddle came about, it would feel pretty good to waddle around right now, but I'll refrain for awhile yet.

Foods I am into right now:
Cereal, of course (Wheat Chex, Corn Chex, Lucky Charms, and Kix)
Banana Cream pudding
Nature Valley bars (peanut butter and regular)
Green Apples (still)
Chocolate-plain M&M's have been on my mind a lot

11 more weeks until my due date, wow. I am so excited I can hardly stand it!


Your baby now weighs about 2 1/2 pounds (like a butternut squash) and is a tad over 15 inches long from head to heel. Her muscles and lungs are continuing to mature, and her head is growing bigger to make room for her developing brain. To meet her increasing nutritional demands, you'll need plenty of protein, vitamins C, folic acid, and iron. And because her bones are soaking up lots of calcium, be sure to drink your milk (or find another good source of calcium, such as cheese, yogurt, or enriched orange juice). This trimester, about 250 milligrams of calcium are deposited in your baby's hardening skeleton each day.

29 week belly picture

Friday, November 28, 2008

Week 27/28


Feeling overly full and bloated. Ok, so maybe that has to do with the fact that it was Thanksgiving yesterday :) The sweet potatoes and berry pie were so worth it though, yum.

I took my glucose test on Wednesday, the drink wasn't that bad, although I'm glad it was only 8 oz. No news is good news so hopefully I don't hear from them.

Movement and irritability. I think those are the 2 main symptoms for week 28.
Bria is definitely more active at night, although it usually doesn't keep me up. I just notice when I go to bed she'll move a little and then when I take my bathroom breaks in the middle of the night I feel her. Every once and awhile she'll wake me up due to her kicks, but I don't mind. Every time I feel her move I let Brian know, I think he may be a little tired of me alerting him when Bria moves. Not that he doesn't like to feel her move or hear about it, but my constant updates are probably a little much.
Then there is my irritability. My patience is definitely way down and I get irritated easily. For those that know me, know this is unfortunately a characteristic of mine without being pregnant, so you should all feel sorry for Brian. The poor guy can't even breath without me giving him the death glare. When my hormones chill for a few minutes I take that time to tell him I'm sorry and that it's the hormones, please hang in there with me. Hopefully that makes up for it.

I understand now why pregnant women don't have a lot of pictures of themselves pregnant. Ugh. I've never been one to shy away from the camera, if someone points a camera at me my first response is to smile. Now I want to duck and cover when I see a camera. Not that I'm not proud of the belly, but pictures just aren't capturing the glowing pregnancy, they capture a full face and chunky body. So please be kind to pregnant women, if you capture an unflattering photo, the nicest thing you can do is delete it so no one has to see it.

The right side of my lower back is starting to hurt again, especially when I go for my walks. It's not horrible pain though, just a constant nag that worsens with activity. I'm able to work through the pain though, I want to keep my walks up.

I'm still loving my cereal and am starting to get stronger cravings. I feel such a strong urge for chocolate, I refrain at times, but other times I grab a few chocolate chips to help quench the chocolate thirst. Or maybe a small peanut butter cup that my cubicle neighbor keeps stocked at all times, darn her.

My cousin Lanie felt Bria move, she is the first one besides Brian to feel her move. Bria gave her a good hard kick on Thanksgiving, we think it was her way of saying I love you :) We are going to my mother-in-law's tonight and I'm hoping Bria will give some kicks for her and my sister-in-law, Heather, to feel.

By this week, your baby weighs two and a quarter pounds (like a Chinese cabbage) and measures 14.8 inches from the top of her head to her heels. She can blink her eyes, which now sport lashes. With her eyesight developing, she may be able to see the light that filters in through your womb. She's also developing billions of neurons in her brain and adding more body fat in preparation for life in the outside world.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

27w 5d

As promised, pictures. Although they aren't the standard belly ones they'll do for now.

(Notice the hot red shoes, they are the most comfortable shoes I've ever owned...and the prettiest)

I am sporting more of my maternity purchases from the shopping trip I went on :)

My little one woke me up at 4:30 am this morning doing her aerobics and I loved it, especially since she has been quiet the past 2 days. Even though I know it's normal for her to have quiet days, I prefer to feel her kicking and moving about, it's just reassuring.

I go in for my glucose test today, wish me luck. I hear the stuff you have to drink is delicious ;) Actually I hear it tastes like an orange soda without the fizz, it might not be too bad but I'll let you know.

I've been doing good about going for walks on the weekends, and sometimes at work I have to walk down to another building to get the mail, it's about 6 blocks away so round trip it's a good little walk. But I'll admit it's hard to get motivated to go in the evenings when I get home from work and I'm tired from the drive, plus it's dark out, and I'm hungry.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 24, 2008


The appointment went great on Friday, I really like the doctor I met with. There are about 8 doctors in the office and I meet with a different one at each appointment so that whoever is on call when I go into labor is familiar :) Anyway, she said little Bria is head down, yay! But obviously she can still do plenty of moving from now until go time. I measured about 3 days ahead which was kind of exciting. On Friday I would've been 26w 4d, but I measured 27w. That would make my due date February 20th as opposed to February 23rd. Bria's heart beat was nice and strong, she gave the Doppler a good kick that even the doctor felt and we both laughed, I guess Bria is like her mom and doesn't like annoying noises :) I have to take my glucose test this week so that should be fun, I hope I pass.

I will take a belly picture tonight for sure, Brian mentioned this morning that we needed to take one and then I saw the comments in the post below so I better get a move on!

I am loving feeling Bria move everyday, she'll roll around, kick, punch, and I just smile the whole time. She got the hiccups yesterday! It was the first time I felt them, it was more muffled than I thought it would be but I'm sure as she gets bigger it'll shake my whole belly. Brian was able to feel them too which was cool. I learned that instead of poking the belly all over, if I press on the belly for a little bit that she'll usually kick back. Or if I am resting my arm or elbow she'll give a little kick, it totally makes me laugh.

I am feeling more irritable lately, and here I thought I could float through pregnancy all pleasantly and without being short with my husband. But I find myself getting very easily annoyed and that makes me feel bad.

So now that I am officially in my 3rd trimester (oh my gosh!!!) I feel big. Simple tasks like squeezing behind Brian in the bathroom no longer happen without wacking him in the back with the buddha belly, and forget about bending over. The funny thing is I still have 13 more weeks for this belly to grow, holy cow! I can't believe in 13 weeks (plus or minus) we are going to finally meet this little girl, it is unbelievably exciting to think about.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Week 26

I have my appointment today :) Nothing exciting, just the usual, but I'm hoping they start measuring my belly. I should also be getting the gestational diabetes test soon since that is done between 24-28 weeks. I hear that is not a fun one, let's hope I pass it!


Hunger pains. I am hungry often, so much so that I can't even pack enough snacks for work. I have a bowl of cereal before I head off to work, then I sip on hot chocolate, then I eat either dry cereal or an apple around 9 am-sometimes I hold out until 10 am, by 11:30 am I'm hungry again and try to have a few crackers until lunch at 12:30 pm. I usually have a sandwich or bagel sandwich, carrots, banana or other fruit and crackers for lunch. Come 2:30 pm I'm hungry again. Ugh, it's hard to pack all that stuff. Plus, it's hard to think of healthy things to eat since my mind automatically goes to cookies, chocolate, chips, all the good sugary or salty foods. The afternoon is usually when I give in and get a piece of chocolate from my cube neighbor, darn her good chocolates! By dinner time I'm actually not as hungry, cereal and toast will hold me over all evening thankfully.

I think Bria is changing positions, I don't feel as much movement to the left of my belly like I was. Most of it is down low now which makes me think her legs are down there? Anyway, because of her shifting I feel her much less now and I don't like that. It's like all her movement is muffled. Even in the evening when I lay down for bed I just feel a few nudges from her but some can't even be felt from the outside. I liked it better the other way she was laying, hopefully she is at least comfortable in there. Also in this position she kicks my bladder multiple times a day, I need to kick up the kegel count even more!

Panic attack. We were lying in bed and Brian was talking about his day at work and how he drove to a few different places to take care of peak stuff (Christmas time is peak time) and I started freaking out about how much he drives the bug. He drives it to and from work obviously and it's a 50 mile drive one way, plus a lot of the time he has to drive during the day for work stuff. I couldn't get a grip and I just freaked out about how that is too much for driving for the bug and it's so much wear and tear on it. I had to sit up and breath slowly because I was seriously nauseous over thinking about this, I knew I was having a panic attack so I tried to calm myself down but it doesn't help that your husband is laughing and thinks it's hilarious. Sheesh. It was one of those times I had to think back to his good moments of this pregnancy. I got over it although it still stresses me out that he drives so much.

Brian asked me last night, "So how is this pregnancy going for you, is it what you thought it would be?" I told him I thought I'd feel more pregnant, I still feel like my normal self, minus being able to shave my bikini area and bend over, and add bigger boobs. All and all I feel really good, my back pain is not as bad as I was expecting, although I know the last month or 2 is really going to kill me. But I'm so grateful that this pregnancy has gone so well and that Bria is healthy and safe in there.

The network of nerves in your baby's ears is better developed and more sensitive than before. She may now be able to hear both your voice and your partner's as you chat with each other. She's inhaling and exhaling small amounts of amniotic fluid, which is essential for the development of her lungs. These so-called breathing movements are also good practice for when she's born and takes that first gulp of air. And she's continuing to put on baby fat. She now weighs about a pound and two-thirds and measures 14 inches (an English hothouse cucumber) from head to heel.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

26w 1d

First things first, to the left you will notice an ExpectNet poll, click on that and make your guess about when Baby Bria will make her appearance, how much she'll weigh, and her height. Brian and I both weighed 6 pounds when we were born (plus some ounces), I am not sure how long we were though, I think I was around 19 inches? That is all the information I know at this point that may help you with your guess :)

Things are still going really well and I'm feeling great. The main thing that reminds me I'm pregnant (besides the belly) is how my back and feet start hurting after just a little bit of activity. My back is absolutely killing me and my feet feel like they are on fire when I do any type of activity, cleaning for example. But after a good rub from the hubby and some sleep the aches usually subside. I do notice my tail bone hurts after just a little bit of sitting, which in my job is pretty much what I do-sit.

I have pictures of the star we painted, er, Brian painted. Here he is priming it after it was sanded a little:
And here it is after the final coat of pink spray paint:

All hung up in the nursery above the changing table, I love it:

I think I want to spray paint some letters for above her crib the same color. Originally I was just going to leave them white, but I love the pink so much and I want it to match. I don't actually have the letters yet, but we found really cute ones at a Craft Store in Corvallis that I think we may get.

Bria has been quiet the last few days, I still feel her kick and squirm throughout the day, but she is just not doing her full out "routine" or at least I can't feel it if she is. I wish I knew how she was laying in there, if I had to guess I'd say she was actually head down (or maybe I'm just being hopeful, although I know it's too soon to worry) with her feet close to my right side-so maybe her back is on the left side? Who knows. I just feel tiny little movements down low, and the stronger "kicks" up to the right of my belly button (on the left side from my perspective).
I've also started to feel when she punches my bladder, can babies do that for real? Every once and awhile I'll feel a sudden sensation that I am going to leak out and pee my pants, but fortunately my muscles thus far have prevented that and quickly contract to avoid any leakage. I'm thinking I should do kegels to avoid a pants wetting episode that I hear is common among pregnant women.

I am getting so anxious and excited to meet this little girl that I can barely stand it. The weeks are going by faster than they were before we found out the sex which I am grateful for. Although I know I need to enjoy this time, this is my FIRST pregnancy and I need to live it up. It's just so hard to not want her to be here already so I can see what she looks like. I am enjoying the pregnancy though, I feel great and am so thankful for that. It has really allowed me to think positively on the whole pregnancy experience.

I'm still proud of my Buddha belly and love to rub it, so does Brian. I think the big change in the last few weeks is how round it's getting, the size increase is more gradual now, which is good since I still have 14 weeks to go!
One from the front angle, it looks so much bigger when it's bare that's for sure.

I think that is all the updates for now :)

Friday, November 14, 2008

Week 25

Here are the cereals that I am into right now: Lucky Charms, Wheat Chex, Corn Chex, and Corn Flakes. I could also go for Captain Crunch but I refrain from getting too many sugary cereals, especially since I am eating it for 2 meals out of the day usually.

Hot. Sweaty hot, I woke up 2 nights ago and my whole body was damp with sweat even though we had already taken off the extra blanket we use in the winter. I was actually kind of excited that my internal heater kicked it up a notch finally as I'm usually always freezing. It got me thinking about how at this time of year I am usually freezing when I get home from work (I like to save money by keeping the heat at like 65 when we're home, don't worry, when Bria comes I'll keep it warmer-she's worth it!) and bundle myself up on the couch. But now in the evenings I'm perfectly comfortable which is great.

My sleeping just ain't what it use to be. I wake up at random times throughout the night and occasionally I won't be able to get back to sleep for awhile, my mind is racing and I can't calm down enough to drift off. Also sleep is getting less comfortable, I have a hard time finding the sweet spot amongst the 3 pillows that surround me: body pillow to put in between my legs, pillow behind my back, and a pillow for my head of course. What makes it tough is when I want to switch sides, I have to move all these pillows into place. But then I place my hand on my belly and smile-she's so worth it.

The other night she was kicking up a storm again and it was so much fun. Brian was so surprised when he felt her and asked, "Was that her?!" It was so weird to feel these lumps kick at my belly and move all over, I could not stop smiling. She was just going nuts in there! Move while you can babe, because I hear it's about to get snug in there.

I love the little smiles that strangers give me when they see my belly, I remember giving those same smiles when I saw a cute belly. Hopefully they are smiling at my belly and not a booger on my nose or something.

Tiff sent out the invites for my baby shower! I am so excited Tiff and Sara are throwing a baby shower for me, it is so sweet of them and I really appreciate it. It's December 6th and I just can't wait. I asked them if we could do it at my house because I thought it would be easier to not have to haul the gifts from one house to another, plus then I can show everyone the nursery :) My sisters and mom are also throwing me one in January and that will be more of a family one which will be fun. Can you believe it doesn't stop there? My mother-in-law wants to throw me one as well and wants to invite her friends, so about a month after Bria is born her and Heather (my other sister-in-law) are going to have one. She wanted to do it after Bria was born so that everyone could meet her little granddaughter which I thought was a cute idea. I feel so blessed to have these wonderful people in my life, so generous. I am looking forward to seeing everyone at the showers and just getting all the women I love in the same room, that always makes for a good time.

I have started slacking on my belly pictures again, but no more! I will take one this weekend and I will also upload the pictures of the star in the nursery.

Head to heels, your baby now measures about 13 1/2 inches. Her weight — a pound and a half — isn't much more than an average rutabaga, but she's beginning to exchange her long, lean look for some baby fat. As she does, her wrinkled skin will begin to smooth out and she'll start to look more and more like a newborn. She's also growing more hair — and if you could see it, you'd now be able to discern its color and texture.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

25w 2d

Cereal & toast, my love. As I've mentioned before I love breakfast food: cereal, toast, pancakes, eggs, you name it. I've always loved having cereal and toast for dinner, but with this pregnancy I'm taking it to the extreme and I eat it a majority of the time for breakfast and dinner. I can't get enough and it's hard to keep my cereal pantry stocked. You would think I'd get tired of it and maybe I will, but for now I absolutely love it.

We painted the big star that will go above the changing table, it's pink and it turned out even better than I had imagined it would. It's the perfect color pink and looks adorable all hung up. I will post pictures a little later, although due to my amateur photography skills the star looks white in pictures, but trust me, it's pink.

So my mom came over and looked at the nursery and glider and decided it would be easier to make some slip covers for the glider instead of trying to find new cushions. We are going to find a chocolate brown fabric to cover it with and I think it will look so nice, I can't wait. It would be perfect if we could find a swede fabric since the nursery bedding is swede, but we'll see. I also need to order another curtain since the one that came with the bedding is not quite long enough. I read that on the reviews and should have checked the measurements but I was blind to any flaws at that time and just wanted the bedding! After those 2 things I feel really good about the nursery and we'll focus on the essentials: diapers, wipes, clothes, those kinds of things :)

3 more months of work, I cannot tell you how happy that makes me, although it also decreases my motivation even more which I didn't know was possible. Our budget will definitely be tight since I'll be staying home, but so worth it.

As I type my little one is rolling around in there and I just love it. I'm still in that phase where I love when she moves, she just seems so quiet and calm that I don't feel her all that often so when I do it is very welcomed. 2 nights ago she was moving all over, it was the most she's ever moved (that I've felt) and it was cracking me up. I was feeling tons of kicks (Brian felt some too) from the outside, then she'd roll around and do somersaults, than kick, than punch. It was quite a routine and I loved it. When I lay down for bed that is definitely when she is most active, which I've heard. Luckily Brian and I get into bed early to read so it doesn't keep me from sleeping. By the time I actually lay down to go to bed she is done moving around.

My sweet hubby. ~If you have a weak gag reflex you may not want to read this paragraph, just a warning, I'm going to brag about my awesome husband. Again, since this is my pregnancy journal I want to jot these little moments down so I don't forget them.~ Brian is one of those people that can talk and b.s. pretty easily, sometimes he'll deliver some corny pick-up lines on me and I usually just laugh at him. I also know when Brian is being very genuine since I've known him for 7 years now and we've been together for 5. Anyway, I was getting ready for bed and just had my underwear on. He was laying in bed and he looks over at me and says, very genuinely, "You are the sexiest pregnant woman ever." I couldn't tell him enough how much that meant to me, I already suffer from being self-conscious, so being pregnant is just adding to that. But when he says things like that out of the blue and not being prompted by me complaining, it means so much. Especially now that I feel my hormones kicking in a little bit. The last week or 2 I've noticed I get angry more easily and I don't like it. He's been pretty good about not playing into it and just letting me get it out, which is really the best thing to do. Let me throw my tantrum, then give me a hug when I apologize for my little outburst. Brian=awesome.

25 week update coming in 2 days...

Friday, November 7, 2008

Week 24

Monday the 3rd, Bria was taking tumbling class to prepare for her cheerleading career, she moved so much! It was about 2 hours after lunch and I ate a fun size Snickers (only one of the day), well apparently she liked that because for the next while she was moving all over and it was kind of tickling me. She has never moved for such a long period of time, well that I have felt, it was cool and I loved it.

I am still over the top obsessed with Granny Smith green apples, oh my goodness I love them. Before I was pregnant I would always get small apples because I couldn't seem to finish a large one, but now I am looking for the biggest apple I can find and even then I want another one. They are so good. Plus, if you want to dress them up you could put cheddar cheese slices on them or sprinkle some salt. These days I just prefer them plain.

Still having problems with blemishes on my chin and it's driving me nuts. It'll start to clear up and I get all excited, then I wake up and look in the mirror and a new blemish is waving at me. So I apply my bare minerals makeup to attempt at getting the pregnant woman glow on the outside since I feel it on the inside.

Surprisingly I had a few moments of very mild nausea, usually in the middle of the night when I would get up to go to the bathroom. I've also been having mild period like cramping which I assume is the uterus and everything stretching and getting bigger.

Apparently the belly is more noticeable this week as I've had 2 strangers ask me my due date out of the blue. I don't mind it at all but I keep thinking, what if I wasn't pregnant? I guess they feel confident enough with my bulging belly to ask :)

The bedding has arrived!! Brian picked it up on his way home from work and I was beyond excited, I could not wait.

We went upstairs to open it up and get an idea of what it'll look like with the paint color and everything. I couldn't believe they fit everything in that small bag, I was worried for a second but it was all there, whew. Here is the quilt/blanket:
Here is the bedding all put together on the crib, once we get the correct detergent we'll get it all washed.
Here is the changing table (this is the view when you first walk in the room) with the diaper holder:
And these are wall hangings, I wasn't sure if I was going to like these in person but I actually kind of do. We'll see if they look good hung on the wall.

The only thing not pictured is the curtain. I am so excited about the bedding and the nursery in general, I love the colors and just love it all. I am going to start looking for new cushions for the glider, as you can see now it is channeling the early 90's and doesn't so much go :) I want to get chocolate brown cushions and then I'll put a cut pink pillow in it, and possibly hang a beautiful pink blanket over the back. Speaking of beautiful pink blankets, I realized I never took a picture of the blanket my grandmother made for my first born:

Isn't it just gorgeous? The detail on it is wonderful and the yarn she used gives it an almost shimmery look, I love it and can't wait to wrap Bria in it.

I feel Bria move everyday now, some days more than others. She is still pretty quiet, probably because she still has some wiggle room. My mom and I like to think she just has her Dad's laid back personality so that's why I don't feel her often. But I do feel better now that I feel her at least once a day. I usually feel her either mid-morning or mid-afternoon, and then in the evenings.

The nesting instinct has definitely kicked in, all I think about is organizing. Organizing the guest bedroom, the hall closet, our closet, the office, and the kitchen. I have all these wonderful ideas about everything being sorted and in order, now I'm waiting for that nesting instinct to move up one gear so I actually get motivated to do those things. I'm hoping to start on the guest room this weekend, but we'll see if I actually do it.

Your baby's growing steadily, having gained about 4 ounces since last week. That puts her at just over a pound. Since she's almost a foot long (picture an ear of corn), she cuts a pretty lean figure at this point, but her body is filling out proportionally and she'll soon start to plump up. Her brain is also growing quickly now, and her taste buds are continuing to develop. Her lungs are developing "branches" of the respiratory "tree" as well as cells that produce surfactant, a substance that will help her air sacs inflate once she hits the outside world. Her skin is still thin and translucent, but that will start to change soon.

Happy Birthday Brian and Sara, 32 years young and lookin' good :)

Monday, November 3, 2008

24w 0d

In 12 days I will have less than 100 days to go! And, in 3 weeks I will enter my 3rd trimester, holy cow. That is all very exciting to me, we are getting closer and closer to meeting our little girl which thrills me to death.

I had a great weekend and fortunately the energy train came by my house and I was all aboard- woo woo! I had a lot more energy than I've had in a long time. I was like, "Wanna stay out until 1am? Ok!" I haven't seen that hour in a very long time (besides one of my trips to the bathroom at night), but Friday night we went to Nate and Amy's for Halloween and I just got caught up in playing Skip Bo (love that game) and talking. I felt like such a party animal :) Although I did sleep in until 9 am and then took a two hour nap on Saturday, but hey, it still counts. Plus, Saturday we went tailgating so I had to be up and ready for that, and I was.

Leg cramp city. Holy mother did I have the worst calf cramp in the entire world on Friday night. It was excruciating and it came on with no warning, I just started freaking out and contorting my body thinking that would help-it did not. Brian had no idea what to do since he couldn't get a handle on me to try and rub it out, plus he was woken out of a dead sleep to his wife screaming and flailing. I felt my calf and oh my goodness was it rock solid, I could feel every crevice of my muscle it was so tight. I've had some pretty bad charlie horses (one being on Saturday) but this calf cramp takes the cake. Brian won't stop telling me to drink more water and eat more potassium, I'd like to think it's because he doesn't like seeing me in pain, but I know it's because he doesn't like his precious sleep interrupted, just wait for Bria hun! So Saturday and Sunday my calf felt like I had lifted 100 pounds and was more sore than it's ever been. It made me feel like I worked out. It's safe to say I've been drinking extra water and I bought more bananas at the grocery store.

So the bedding is set to come on Thursday, yay! Obviously we will most likely be at work when it gets delivered, gosh it would be nice if one of us worked for UPS and could go pick it up at the center at our convenience. Oh wait, my big strong husband does, I'm in luck! So rather than having the bedding sit on our front porch all day, and waste the driver's time delivering it, Brian is going to pick it up Thursday morning. I can't wait, you know I'll be posting pictures of the nursery all set up.

16 more weeks until my due date!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Week 23

Doing well, I'm sleeping better which is great. Some nights I don't even get up to go to the bathroom!! My hips still get achy at night, but the body pillow helps, I'd be lost without that thing. One night I woke up out of a dead sleep to a cramp in my hip/side, it was really strong so I kind of moaned a little and gasped, Brian immediately asked, "Is Bria ok?" I thought it was so cute because he was still half asleep but the first thing he thought of was his little baby. I told him she was fine and he went right back to sleep. The pain was short lived and I was able to shake it off and go back to sleep.

I have jam everyday. Anna gave me homemade jam and it is delicious, I am so spoiled. So everyday I either have toast for breakfast, dinner, or I have a PB&J for lunch. I can't get enough of that homemade jam! Not that I have anything against store jam, but let's face it, homemade jam rocks.

I can tell the difference between Bria's kicks/punches and when she is somersaulting/rolling. It's a funny feeling when she rolls and kind of tickles.

My secret fit maternity pants are cute, but fall down after 2 steps. I still have room to grow into them so maybe that is part of the problem, but my normal pants are uncomfortable so I don't like wearing those. I'm just kind of in between I guess.

I haven't been as hungry this week, guess she's not going through a growth spurt right now. My belly is kind of staying the same size, but maybe in the next few weeks she'll grow again. Then I'll be able to feel her more often which I love!

I ordered the bedding! I am beyond excited, it should arrive between next Wednesday the 5th-Monday the 10th. I'm hoping it arrives sooner than later but I won't hold my breath. It will just be so fun to have her room all cutsied up.

Turn on the radio and sway to the music. With her sense of movement well developed by now, your baby can feel you dance. And now that she's more than 11 inches long and weighs just over a pound (about as much as a large mango), you may be able to see her squirm underneath your clothes. Blood vessels in her lungs are developing to prepare for breathing, and the sounds that your baby's increasingly keen ears pick up are preparing her for entry into the outside world. Loud noises that become familiar now — such as your dog barking or the roar of the vacuum cleaner — probably won't faze her when she hears them outside the womb.

23 week Belly pic:

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

23w 1d

Well, as my other blog said, shopping was a huge success and we had a blast. How can you not when you're with your girls? We did so much walking that day, I definitely got my exercise in. My feet were killing me and so was my back, but I'd do it again in a heartbeat, maybe I'd wear my belly belt for back support though. Here I am rocking one of my new outfits:
I got some great work outfits as well as casual everyday wear, I am just thrilled to pieces to have some cute new clothes to wear. I can't tell you how long it's been since I've had so many new clothes in my closet!

I am just loving being pregnant still. I love my little belly, I love feeling Bria move, I love how excited Brian is, I love doing the nursery, there's just a lot 'o love going on here. I hate to get all mushy but since this is my pregnancy journal I don't want to forget how sweet my hubby is (I'll need to look back on this when he's driving me nuts). On more than 1 occasion he will tell me how much he appreciates what I am going through. He says he can't imagine how I must be feeling with all these changes going on in my body so rapidly and that he is so amazed. He loves seeing my belly get bigger and likes to read the newspaper to Bria. He'll relate it to work and say that when he feels pressure or great responsibility he thinks of me having to grow a human life in my body and it helps put it in perspective. He's adorable, I think I'll keep him ;)

Tiff got me some adorable outfits for Bria just for fun, which I thought was so sweet. We went to their house for the pumpkin carving contest and she pulled me in the guest bedroom to give me a bag of new clothes she bought for Bria because she couldn't resist. So cute, I loved them all. I can't believe how thoughtful people are, I can't tell them how appreciative I am, it means so much.
For the first time I am looking forward to doing laundry- I can't wait to wash all of Bria's clothes, sheets, blankets, etc. I don't mind doing the laundry, I just hate putting the clothes away, but putting away Bria's clothes is going to be the best part! At least the first time :)

I love thinking about the fact that we'll meet our little girl in less than 4 months! Most the time it feels far away, probably because I am looking forward to it so much. It's like being a kid and waiting for Christmas morning, only times 100. There are times when I think about how much it's going to change our little family and our world, then it feels like she'll be here in no time. I am just trying to enjoy being pregnant, especially for the first time since it's all new.

17 more weeks until I'm due, 14 more weeks until I'm considered full term, wahoo!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Week 22

I cannot wait to go shopping tomorrow! Not just because shopping is fun, but because both my sister's are coming too! I am beyond thrilled that we are all going together, I love having their help and just spending time with them. So we are all meeting at my mom's house at 8:30 am and heading up to Portland for some shopping. Then for lunch we'll meet up with Lanie and then continue shopping afterwards. It's going to be a fun girls day that's for sure.


Since I have a cold my sleepless nights are due more to the stuffy nose than the baby, but I didn't get very much sleep at night, I mostly just laid there. Tuesday night I was complaining to Brian that I hadn't felt Bria very much since Friday night when he felt her. I think we both went to bed concerned. I woke up around 2 am to my little one nudging and moving around, I was sooo happy. I put my hand on my stomach and just smiled, she went on for awhile which I simply loved.
I am still so in love with the green Granny Smith apples, I can't get enough. I'm also still loving bananas and green olives (not together), yum. I really don't have any aversions, maybe that's why I gained so much weight.
Shaving my bikini area is proving to be quite hilarious. Since I can't see down there I will start to bend over, but I still can't ever see it, my darn belly is in the way. For some reason I found this hilarious the other night in the shower and I was laughing hysterically. So I'm still able to shave (I know you were all worried about that), but it's just more difficult and I'm having to try and move the belly out of the way.
Still having acne problems on my chin, but they are starting to fade. Nothing like some huge zits to make you feel beautiful, ick.
I'm loving my nails right now, they grow at lightening speed and are nice and strong. Thank you prenatal vitamins!

I've gotten to the point where I am tired of acquaintances giving me advice. Now, that does NOT mean I don't want advice, I love when experienced friends' and family give me advice. I want to hear what worked for them and what didn't, but it becomes a little much when co-workers are constantly telling me what to do and what not to do. I appreciate their interest, really I do, but it kind of comes off as bossy and opinionated. Times have changed people. I don't want to hear horror stories either, I worry enough as it is.
Also, there are a few co-workers (and I really like them) who have teenage kids or older that keep saying how glad they are that it's not them and how happy they are to be done with this stage in their life and they couldn't imagine having to go through it again, blah, blah, blah. I totally understand that and I'm sure when we complete our family I will feel done and ready for the next phase, but really? Do you have to tell me that everyday? I'm actually thrilled beyond words that I'm at this point in my life, I've dreamed about this and feel utterly over the top blessed to be able to be pregnant. Do you realize how many people suffer from infertility? It is a miracle to be pregnant and have a healthy child. I know the next year is going to prove to be incredibly trying and exhausting, but it should never be taken for granted. I truly have never been happier, so please don't rain on my parade.
::steps off soap box::
I feel better now :)

At 11 inches (the length of a spaghetti squash) and almost 1 pound, your baby is starting to look like a miniature newborn. Her lips, eyelids, and eyebrows are becoming more distinct, and she's even developing tiny tooth buds beneath her gums. Her eyes have formed, but her irises (the colored part of the eye) still lack pigment. If you could see inside your womb, you'd be able to spot the fine hair (lanugo) that covers her body and the deep wrinkles on her skin, which she'll sport until she adds a padding of fat to fill them in. Inside her belly, her pancreas — essential for the production of some important hormones — is developing steadily.

I don't have a belly picture for this week (I will take one this weekend) but I thought it would be fun to compare my past ones:

Week 6-say goodbye to your little stomach!
Week 14-losing the waistline, adding the bloat

Week 17-a little more bloat and some baby

Week 20-SHABAM! Hello baby, goodbye feet!

22w 3d

The appointment went well yesterday. The doctor said baby looked really good according to the u/s and she was measuring on schedule. I asked about her measurements and how big she was but she couldn't tell me, I was kind of bummed about that since the whole u/s was the tech measuring her, but whatever. At least she is healthy and looks good. Her heartbeat is in the 150's so that is looking good as well.
I was so happy that Brian was able to make it to the appointment since at first he wasn't going to be able to. Even though it wasn't that eventful, I still love having him there.
I was a little shocked at how much weight I've gained to date, a total of almost 15 pounds. I've gained 5 pounds at each appointment so at least it's gradual I guess. I wish I wouldn't focus on weight, but I was just a little surprised since my eating habits haven't changed that much. In the last week or 2 my appetite has grown a little, but I usually have an apple or banana to help quench the growing hunger pains. I have a piece of candy here and there but I've always done that. If anything I am eating more healthy because I know I have a little one in there to supply for. Plus, my normal pants are still fitting, I just can't button them. So I'm not 100% sure where the extra pounds are going, besides the baby which does not equate to 15 pounds. I'm just going to try and be more active and watch what I eat even closer, I don't want to become overly obsessed though (after I ramble on for a paragraph about it).

After the appointment we went to a craft store because Jenny (my sis) told me they were having a big sale and the star I want for the nursery was marked down from $17.99 to $13.50. So I brought it up to the cash register and it rings up at $4.50!! It was an additional 75% off the clearance price!! I was ecstatic to say the least, I LOVE finding a good deal and holy cow was that a good deal.

I am getting really anxious to order the bedding, I can't wait to see it in person. It will help pull the nursery together more and I'll be able to see what shade of pink I need for decorating with. I'm thinking I'll get a better idea for wall decor once the bedding is in place.

That's about it for now, I'll update tomorrow on Week 22.

Monday, October 20, 2008


So I think I got Brian's cold. He got sick last Tuesday and is still sick, mainly his throat is on fire and is killing him. Friday morning I woke up with a lovely sore throat and stuffy nose. I decided to stay home from work to try and kick the sickness in the rear, I think it actually helped since Saturday I was feeling better. But Sunday and today my throat was still hurting and my nose is stuffy today. Just trying to drink lots of fluids and get rest.

I forgot to note a few symptoms in my last post, namely: acne. My chin is breaking out and it sucks, I know my AcneFree is trying to do it's job but these pregnancy hormones are winning out. I've got some monsters on my chin that I would really like to go away! Also, Sherbet. I've always enjoyed Sherbet ice cream but have never gone as far as to purchase a gallon at the store. Well I did just that last week and every night I have a small bowl of it. I rationalize it by saying that it has fruit in it and I don't add any chocolate or fudge to it, funny how we can rationalize anything huh? Anyway, I'm loving Sherbet right now.

Guess what I got in the mail?

This adorable crocheted beanie and bootie set, I just love it! My friend Jenn whom I met through a TTC forum (among many other wonderful women whom I adore) sent these to me and I just love them. She also sent an adorable pair of yellow booties that have a little bow. It's amazing the love and support you can get from people you meet on the internet.

Bria has been pretty quiet lately, just little nudges here and there, I'm debating whether or not to devour more M&M's since she seemed to like those on Friday :) I feel like I'm at a good stage right now, I'm not uncomfortably large but I feel that I look pregnant and not bloated.

I got a recommendation for a pediatrician so in a few months I'll probably call her and schedule an appointment. I also need to sign up for birthing classes since they fill up fast. I think the next one that meets once a week starts in January so I guess that'll be the one we go to, unless we decide to do a Saturday class.

My mom is taking me shopping this weekend, yay! When Jaime got pregnant with her first (Jaidyn) my mom took her maternity clothes shopping and got her some must haves, so she is doing the same for me. We are heading to the big town of Portland since it has the best shopping, and that means we get to have lunch with my cousin Lanie! She moved to Portland and I still haven't seen her so I'm excited to finally give her a hug and welcome her to Oregon officially ;) It should be a fun day.

2 days until my next appointment. I'm excited because they will be going over the 20 week ultrasound. Since we didn't hear from them after the ultrasound that is good, no news is good news. But now we get to hear details of how things are looking and hopefully get a size estimate of the little one. Wahoo!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Week 21

Brian felt her kick! Friday night we were laying on the couch and she was being pretty active, so I told him to keep his hand on my stomach for awhile and be patient. He had it there for 5-10 minutes and she finally kicked. He felt her a couple times and we were both so excited, we also looked at my belly and got to see her kick. Oh man it was so much fun, we were loving it. I had M&M's that night and Sherbert ice cream so I think she was letting me know that was a good dessert :)

Leg aches during the night. I don't get cramps, but my calf or knee will start aching bad enough to wake me up. I usually get up to go to the bathroom or switch positions in bed. After awhile it lessens and I'm able to go back to sleep.
Increased appetite. I'm trying really hard to at least eat healthy snacks, but I definitely find myself eating more and still being hungry an hour later. I've been snacking on an apple or banana to help quench the hunger, but I must admit to an occasional fun size snickers or tootsie roll.
Kicks :) Feeling her move around has been absolutely wonderful, I love it. It makes me know that she is doing ok in there and everything is fine. When I try to poke her back she immediately stops, so I just have to rest my hand on my stomach if I want to feel it.

Your baby now weighs about three-quarters of a pound and is approximately 10 1/2 inches long — the length of a carrot. You may soon feel like she's practicing martial arts as her initial fluttering movements turn into full-fledged kicks and nudges. You may also discover a pattern to her activity as you get to know her better. In other developments, your baby's eyebrows and lids are present now, and if you're having a girl, her vagina has begun to form as well.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

21w 2d

Brian told me he won't be able to make it to the next appointment. I'm sad. I know I can't expect him at all of them, but he didn't go to the last monthly one either. The ultrasound wasn't at our doctor's office, it was at the hospital. Anyway, I'm just being whiney and pouty. They really are just quick check ups but still, I want him there.

Ok, enough of the pouting, I do have exciting news. I felt Bria kick on the OUTSIDE! I felt it Monday night and I was so excited, I immediately grabbed Brian's hand (we were in bed reading) so he could feel, she did it again but he said he didn't feel it. :( I felt her again last night but Brian still has yet to feel her. It is really cool to feel it on the outside of my tummy, I love it. This morning while sitting at my desk I believe she was doing some pilates, they were little movements but she was pretty consistent for a few minutes. Then I think she got tired and konked out. I just love feeling her move, it is such a wonderful feeling.

My mom told me she got my blanket out of storage which made me so excited, let me explain. My grandma (mom's mom) would always knit a blanket for her grandchildren's first born (so her great grandchild). When I was 17 I got all worried that she wouldn't be around for my first born (I've been thinking about babies for a long time). For graduation she made me my first born's blanket and I was so excited. She crocheted it and it is just beautiful (picture to come), want to hear the cool part? It's pink. She just knew I guess. From then I always figured I would have a girl first since that baby blanket was pink, and look at where we are now! My grandma passed away this year in April and I like to think that she helped pick out my little girl in heaven. I can't wait to wrap Bria in that blanket as it has such a special meaning.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Nursery Pictures

So here is how we did the stripes:

1. Measure and tape for the stripes (12 inches wide and 12 inches apart)

2. Since paint tends to bleed through the taping, we used the original paint (satin finish) and painted a "seal" where the semi-gloss stripes were going to be. We let this dry.

3. Then we painted with the semi-gloss finish paint, just one coat was enough.

4. Took off the tape slowly and carefully (important to use tape that won't take off the paint under it) to reveal a beautiful and straight line :)

Anna, Brian, and my Dad hard at work while I supervised and took photos:

The finished product! Since I am not a photographer and don't have a professional grade camera the stripes are a little harder to see, they are more apparent in person:

We just love it!

And here is Abby and Cassidy keeping MJ entertained :)

Monday, October 13, 2008

21w 0d

The nursery paint is complete! I should accompany this post with pictures, but I didn't get a chance to upload them yet, I will though. We are so happy with how it turned out, it's exactly what I was picturing. My Dad and Anna came over to help which we really appreciated. Anna brought over some adorable outfits from Old Navy that she couldn't resist, it was so sweet of her. She even brought me some hangers she had so I was able to put up some more clothes in Bria's closet. I had so much fun looking at all the clothes Anna got, I can't wait to dress Bria in them.
Taping the stripes actually went pretty quick, especially with 4 of us there. There really wasn't enough for all of us to do so I sat down and "supervised" and spent time with my little sister's, Abby and Cassidy. We were sitting there eating candy corn and I said to them, "Man, I am working really hard on this room." Totally joking of course. Abby looked at me confused and asked, "THEY are working hard or you are?" We all started laughing and I told her I was just kidding, THEY were working hard.

After the paint dried and we had taken the tape off, I vacuumed the room and then sat down with all Bria's clothes. I hung as many outfits as I had hangers for and then sorted the rest by size. I was in heaven. I could seriously go through those clothes everyday, I love imagining my little baby girl in these cute clothes and can't wait to dress her in them.
I am so curious about what she is going to look like. Will she look more like me or Brian? Or maybe a perfect mix? What color of eyes will she have (I have blue and Brian has green)? What color will her hair be, will it be curly like Brian's or straight like mine? So many questions, I just can't wait to meet her.