Friday, November 7, 2008

Week 24

Monday the 3rd, Bria was taking tumbling class to prepare for her cheerleading career, she moved so much! It was about 2 hours after lunch and I ate a fun size Snickers (only one of the day), well apparently she liked that because for the next while she was moving all over and it was kind of tickling me. She has never moved for such a long period of time, well that I have felt, it was cool and I loved it.

I am still over the top obsessed with Granny Smith green apples, oh my goodness I love them. Before I was pregnant I would always get small apples because I couldn't seem to finish a large one, but now I am looking for the biggest apple I can find and even then I want another one. They are so good. Plus, if you want to dress them up you could put cheddar cheese slices on them or sprinkle some salt. These days I just prefer them plain.

Still having problems with blemishes on my chin and it's driving me nuts. It'll start to clear up and I get all excited, then I wake up and look in the mirror and a new blemish is waving at me. So I apply my bare minerals makeup to attempt at getting the pregnant woman glow on the outside since I feel it on the inside.

Surprisingly I had a few moments of very mild nausea, usually in the middle of the night when I would get up to go to the bathroom. I've also been having mild period like cramping which I assume is the uterus and everything stretching and getting bigger.

Apparently the belly is more noticeable this week as I've had 2 strangers ask me my due date out of the blue. I don't mind it at all but I keep thinking, what if I wasn't pregnant? I guess they feel confident enough with my bulging belly to ask :)

The bedding has arrived!! Brian picked it up on his way home from work and I was beyond excited, I could not wait.

We went upstairs to open it up and get an idea of what it'll look like with the paint color and everything. I couldn't believe they fit everything in that small bag, I was worried for a second but it was all there, whew. Here is the quilt/blanket:
Here is the bedding all put together on the crib, once we get the correct detergent we'll get it all washed.
Here is the changing table (this is the view when you first walk in the room) with the diaper holder:
And these are wall hangings, I wasn't sure if I was going to like these in person but I actually kind of do. We'll see if they look good hung on the wall.

The only thing not pictured is the curtain. I am so excited about the bedding and the nursery in general, I love the colors and just love it all. I am going to start looking for new cushions for the glider, as you can see now it is channeling the early 90's and doesn't so much go :) I want to get chocolate brown cushions and then I'll put a cut pink pillow in it, and possibly hang a beautiful pink blanket over the back. Speaking of beautiful pink blankets, I realized I never took a picture of the blanket my grandmother made for my first born:

Isn't it just gorgeous? The detail on it is wonderful and the yarn she used gives it an almost shimmery look, I love it and can't wait to wrap Bria in it.

I feel Bria move everyday now, some days more than others. She is still pretty quiet, probably because she still has some wiggle room. My mom and I like to think she just has her Dad's laid back personality so that's why I don't feel her often. But I do feel better now that I feel her at least once a day. I usually feel her either mid-morning or mid-afternoon, and then in the evenings.

The nesting instinct has definitely kicked in, all I think about is organizing. Organizing the guest bedroom, the hall closet, our closet, the office, and the kitchen. I have all these wonderful ideas about everything being sorted and in order, now I'm waiting for that nesting instinct to move up one gear so I actually get motivated to do those things. I'm hoping to start on the guest room this weekend, but we'll see if I actually do it.

Your baby's growing steadily, having gained about 4 ounces since last week. That puts her at just over a pound. Since she's almost a foot long (picture an ear of corn), she cuts a pretty lean figure at this point, but her body is filling out proportionally and she'll soon start to plump up. Her brain is also growing quickly now, and her taste buds are continuing to develop. Her lungs are developing "branches" of the respiratory "tree" as well as cells that produce surfactant, a substance that will help her air sacs inflate once she hits the outside world. Her skin is still thin and translucent, but that will start to change soon.

Happy Birthday Brian and Sara, 32 years young and lookin' good :)


Silvina said...

I love the bedding, what great colors!!! The room looks adorable. Great taste!! I can see you glowing in the pic with the bedding in your hand. Happy Birthday to Brian. Hope he has a nice weekend.

Danielle said...

Love the bedding! How exciting!

Jeannie @ Living Loving Crafting said...

I'm so out of the loop. I haven't been on here in a while. I can't believe I missed that you're having a girl!! Congrats to you! I'm so excited for you. I love the bedding too!!

So looking forward to 11/21/08!!! If you get a chance, you should check out my blog :)

Tasha Coltrin said...

you look so cute. I love your little belly!!! Love the bedding too. I'm glad you are feeling so good. :)

Jenn said...

Aw, the bedding is just so adorable! I love the way the room is coming together. We finally got the paint finished, I had my first shower and the crib and dresser are up. I havent washed the bedding nor clothes, but had to put it in the crib and closet just to see it all put together. It looks awesome. Although...I cant figure out the mobile. Better let Jerry do that one.