Thursday, October 23, 2008

Week 22

I cannot wait to go shopping tomorrow! Not just because shopping is fun, but because both my sister's are coming too! I am beyond thrilled that we are all going together, I love having their help and just spending time with them. So we are all meeting at my mom's house at 8:30 am and heading up to Portland for some shopping. Then for lunch we'll meet up with Lanie and then continue shopping afterwards. It's going to be a fun girls day that's for sure.


Since I have a cold my sleepless nights are due more to the stuffy nose than the baby, but I didn't get very much sleep at night, I mostly just laid there. Tuesday night I was complaining to Brian that I hadn't felt Bria very much since Friday night when he felt her. I think we both went to bed concerned. I woke up around 2 am to my little one nudging and moving around, I was sooo happy. I put my hand on my stomach and just smiled, she went on for awhile which I simply loved.
I am still so in love with the green Granny Smith apples, I can't get enough. I'm also still loving bananas and green olives (not together), yum. I really don't have any aversions, maybe that's why I gained so much weight.
Shaving my bikini area is proving to be quite hilarious. Since I can't see down there I will start to bend over, but I still can't ever see it, my darn belly is in the way. For some reason I found this hilarious the other night in the shower and I was laughing hysterically. So I'm still able to shave (I know you were all worried about that), but it's just more difficult and I'm having to try and move the belly out of the way.
Still having acne problems on my chin, but they are starting to fade. Nothing like some huge zits to make you feel beautiful, ick.
I'm loving my nails right now, they grow at lightening speed and are nice and strong. Thank you prenatal vitamins!

I've gotten to the point where I am tired of acquaintances giving me advice. Now, that does NOT mean I don't want advice, I love when experienced friends' and family give me advice. I want to hear what worked for them and what didn't, but it becomes a little much when co-workers are constantly telling me what to do and what not to do. I appreciate their interest, really I do, but it kind of comes off as bossy and opinionated. Times have changed people. I don't want to hear horror stories either, I worry enough as it is.
Also, there are a few co-workers (and I really like them) who have teenage kids or older that keep saying how glad they are that it's not them and how happy they are to be done with this stage in their life and they couldn't imagine having to go through it again, blah, blah, blah. I totally understand that and I'm sure when we complete our family I will feel done and ready for the next phase, but really? Do you have to tell me that everyday? I'm actually thrilled beyond words that I'm at this point in my life, I've dreamed about this and feel utterly over the top blessed to be able to be pregnant. Do you realize how many people suffer from infertility? It is a miracle to be pregnant and have a healthy child. I know the next year is going to prove to be incredibly trying and exhausting, but it should never be taken for granted. I truly have never been happier, so please don't rain on my parade.
::steps off soap box::
I feel better now :)

At 11 inches (the length of a spaghetti squash) and almost 1 pound, your baby is starting to look like a miniature newborn. Her lips, eyelids, and eyebrows are becoming more distinct, and she's even developing tiny tooth buds beneath her gums. Her eyes have formed, but her irises (the colored part of the eye) still lack pigment. If you could see inside your womb, you'd be able to spot the fine hair (lanugo) that covers her body and the deep wrinkles on her skin, which she'll sport until she adds a padding of fat to fill them in. Inside her belly, her pancreas — essential for the production of some important hormones — is developing steadily.

I don't have a belly picture for this week (I will take one this weekend) but I thought it would be fun to compare my past ones:

Week 6-say goodbye to your little stomach!
Week 14-losing the waistline, adding the bloat

Week 17-a little more bloat and some baby

Week 20-SHABAM! Hello baby, goodbye feet!


Jenn said...

I love how it looks like it just popped. I think we go through several "popping" least I feel like I have :) You are still so cute though!

Shannon said...

I love the baby belly, its so cute!

Robyn Baird said...

Lins you look so freakin adorable! :)

Ro @ Ro is me! said...

You look great, L! SO CUTE!

The Beavers said...

Remind me to tell you about my bikini shaving experience when I was pregnant. SO FUNNY! You are adorable. The next year will be trying and exhausting but you will find also even MORE joy and love than you ever have in your whole life.