Friday, February 6, 2009

Week 38

I had my 38 week appointment yesterday and it went well. The nurse asked if I wanted an internal exam since I hadn't had one yet and curiosity got the better of me so I said, "Sure!" I really wish I had said no, just say no! The midwife said not only am I not dilated, but Bria is way high up and I'll most likely go past my due date. Everyone kept telling me that since it's my first I'd go past, but I don't think I actually believed them. I thought since I've been walking everyday for the last 6 weeks that I would be a few days early, but apparently not. Apparently the walking is doing nothing. I was fine before I got the internal, after wards I was a little bummed and I don't like that. It's not that I am overly uncomfortable and ready to be done being pregnant, it's that I'm ready to be a Mom and meet this little girl. I want to hold her and kiss her and it feels like it's still so far away.
Oh well, most importantly Bria is doing well, she's strong and healthy and that is really all I can ask for. We'll meet her when we meet her and until then I'll enjoy her kicking and squirming in there :) At least with her inside me I can protect her from this crazy world.


Dreams. Every night I dream about labor and going into labor, or waiting to go into labor, or thinking I'm weeks past my due date and she still hasn't come. I get all frustrated in my dream thinking about how I walk for at least an hour every single day and still nothing. Apparently I fear I will be going past my due date (and the midwife confirmed that).

Sciatic nerve. My lower back has been hurting again and I think it's my sciatic nerve. It can get pretty uncomfortable at times and nothing seems to make it go away. Night time is the worst which makes it difficult to get to sleep. On Wednesday night I was dreaming that my left foot hurt really bad so Brian was rubbing it for me, but it still hurt. I woke up and realized the whole left size of my body was aching horribly so I switched sides, that actually did help thank goodness.

Swelling. I am officially wearing a fake ring full time since my wedding ring doesn't quite fit. I can squeeze it on but getting it off is difficult and I don't want to take any chances of the doctor having to cut it off or something. Usually my ankles go back down to almost normal size by morning, but not so much anymore. I miss my bony ankles, although shaving around my ankles is much easier now.

Frequent urination. Even more so in the last week, Wednesday night I went to the bathroom 4 times within about 45 minutes, it was crazy. We learned in our childbirth class that frequent urination is an early sign of labor because it means that the baby is low and squishing your bladder. Brian got all excited and thought for sure I'd wake up with contractions, but no.

Movement changes. The last week or two it's been fun to feel her actual foot on my side, just moving around. I love touching it because it's so tiny and I just want to kiss it. I also feel her hands way down low, by her head and it tickles.


Your baby has really plumped up. She weighs about 6.8 pounds and she's over 19 1/2 inches long (like a leek). She has a firm grasp, which you'll soon be able to test when you hold her hand for the first time! Her organs have matured and are ready for life outside the womb.

Wondering what color your baby's eyes will be? You may not be able to tell right away. If she's born with brown eyes, they'll likely stay brown. If she's born with steel gray or dark blue eyes, they may stay gray or blue or turn green, hazel, or brown by the time she's 9 months old. That's because a child's irises (the colored part of the eye) may gain more pigment in the months after she's born, but they usually won't get "lighter" or more blue. (Green, hazel, and brown eyes have more pigment than gray or blue eyes.)

I still need to take a 38 week belly picture, but I do have a 36 week belly picture that I never posted:
36 week belly pic:

Plus, I finally uploaded a few pictures from my baby shower last weekend. Jaime has all the pictures of the gorgeous decorations on her camera so I'll get those from her.

Bria's gifts:

Me with each of my hosts:

With Anna

With Jenny

With Jaime

With Mom

Thanks to all of you for throwing me an amazing baby shower, I love you all so much and am so grateful to you.


Carly said...

LuLu you look GREAT!!! And your shower sounds amazing. And just so you know, my friend gave birth today at 38 weeks along. She went to the dr 2 days ago- was told the same thing, no progress, def. not before valentines day, etc- and now there is a brand new baby boy in the picture!

The Beavers said...

Yes, dont' be discouraged...things can change within hours. I was only 1 cm dialated when I went into labor with Nathan 3 days early! Hang in there, she'll be here before you know it!

Lindsay said...

Still looking great! I'm sure she'll be here before you know it!

Shannon said...

Your look great in your pictures! And I know you were a bit dissapointed that Bria might come late but you never know! Just keep thinking about how wonderful her birth day is going to be, its going to be great!

Sarah said...

You look absolutely gorgeous! And hot boobies. =D


Brandi said...

You are one smoking hot prego lady! Every day I think- is Lindsey going into labor today? Now I know I can hold off on those thoughts for a little while ;o)